Owl Baby Crafts

Image result for owl babies

This week my daughter chose the owl for our weekly animal.  I planned our week off of Owl Babies by Martin Waddell.  I have always loved this book and frequently use it in therapy.  We had a lot of fun coming up with crafts to go along with it.  Crafts are a great way to target speech and language at home, in the classroom, or in therapy.

I started with this one because my daughter has been obsessed with gluing recently.  It was super easy to set up.  I drew a quick owl picture, helped her cut out some feathers and let her go to town gluing them all on.  You can print off the one below or draw your own.  

The language goals I targeted include requesting supplies, following 1-2 step directions, and describing our pictures using adjectives.

Next, we made shadow puppets.  We just cut out some owls and taped them to a popsicle stick.  Then the fun began.  We set up a light in my daughter's room with her blackout curtains up.  The kids had a blast making and playing with their puppets.

The language goals we worked on with this were conversation, identifying emotions, and problem-solving as we acted out different scenes from the book with our puppets.

Last we made balloon owls.  This was so fun!  At first, we blew up balloons, drew on faces, and glued on feathers. 

Next, we drew a face on a deflated balloon, blew it up, and let it fly away.  Both of my kids loved that part! 

The goals that can be targeted with this activity include requesting with adjectives and following directions.

I enjoyed all of these activities this week and I hope that you do too.  Please share how they go in the comments below!

Here is a link to the youtube video of the book if you don't own a copy:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPQRiSTYFHo


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